Selling Tool

This week, I decided to set up another blog. This will be my fifth, or maybe my sixth. This one is under my real name- I hope you won’t mind if I don’t tell you what it is, but for various reasons I want to remain anonymous here.
The idea behind the new blog was to list all my online stories, on sites such as Microhorror, and, if I’m ever published anywhere else, to give notice of those publications, too. My very own selling tool. Something like Chad Case’s blog XXX.
Well, I set it up alright, posted my first post, but I clicked on the wrong thing and now it’s gone blank. I spent a whole morning trying to put it right, when I should have been washing, dressing, getting ready for work. It was like chasing a mirage. I couldn’t tear myself away from my laptop.
Mind you, when I set the blog up, I was on public duty at work (see what I mean about remaining anonymous?). I spent a whole afternoon, when I should have been helping the public, messing about with profiles, passwords and God knows what else. I was gnashing my teeth at anyone who came near me as I tried uploading a photograph.
I’m beginning to feel a little bad about my chronic lack of computer skills. I’ve picked up bits here and there, but never from work. Lecturers on IT, or even books about it, go right over my head. Even those For Dummies guides.
My list of online stories is growing steadily, mainly on the Microhorror website. God bless Nathan Rosen, the editor. I was looking him up on Facebook the other day, and it struck me that he’s American and so, too, is Microhorror. I haven’t attempted to Americanize my stories in any way, they’re littered with English idioms, yet Nathan Rosen has accepted them anyway. I guess stories can be universal.
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